Who says your friends are the only ones you can talk to about sex?

Your parents have lived a little life, and they have wisdom to offer.  Studies have shown that kids who talk to adults about sex are less likely to get pregnant or get someone pregnant in their teenage years.  Improve your knowledge base by talking to your parents or guardian.

They might have valuable insight about sex, values and morals.  But your they may also be somewhat hesitant to bring up the subject of sex.

Why not approach them first? 

Some more practical help. . . .
  • Write down your questions, and then give them to your parents.
  • Read the question you wrote on paper out loud.
  • Practice your questions out loud first.
  • Make a date with one of your parents.  That way, you can be assured that it's a private and uninterrupted time
  • Television and movies offer lots of examples that can help get the conversation started
Straight talk--

"Our sex-ed class was about safe sex.  I had some questions I didn't ask in class.  Do you mind if I ask you?"

"Does puberty ever end?"

Less straight, more hinting--

"I saw a commercial about waiting to have sex.  Why do they advertise about that?"

"What kind of stuff did your teachers talk about in health class?"

It's natural to be nervous about talking to your parents, but you may find that talking to them actually helps you and lets you know that they are a safe place to get truthful answers.

What do YOU think?--

"Do you think it's a good thing for health teachers to talk about condoms?"

"What do you think about that movie we saw last night?  Do you think he really loved her?"

What People Say--

"A kid at school says that everybody will have sex before they get married.  Why would they say that?"

"Some of my friends said that they aren't going to have sex until they get married.  Is that realistic?"
Abstinence Educators' Network, Inc., P.O. Box 531, Mason, Ohio 45040
Phone (513) 398-9801   Fax (513) 398-3624