Up-coming seminars. . . .
Strengthening Abstinence in Sex Education --Professional Seminar
This seminar will be given by three guest speakers:
Lisa Marie Miree, Miss Black USA
Kent Ernsting, Licensed Social Worker and Licensed Professional Counselor
Dr. Chris Lewis, graduate of University of Cincinnati Medical College, Resident with the UC Family Practice Program.
7:30-8:00 a.m. --Registration
8:00 a.m.-3:45 p.m. --Seminar
October 9, 2001 --Dayton, OH, Mandalay Banquet Center, 2700 E. River Rd. PH. (937) 294-6600
November 8, 2001 --Cincinnati, OH, Raddison, 11320 Chester Rd. PH.(513) 772-1720
December 5, 2001 --Columbus, OH, Trueman Club Hotel, 900 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. PH. (614) 888-7440
Other Pertinent Information:
Cost: $45
Contact hours are provided for nurses, social workers, and counselors. Teachers and other participants will receive a certificate.
Training the Trainer Workshop/Parent Power and Peer Life Training
This seminar will be taught by Imogene Bowers, Parent Training Coordinator, and Bonnie Hailey, Peer Life Training Coordinator.
This Training-the-Trainer workshop helps participants to teach parents how to reach their children and to teach teens how to reach their friends with the premarital abstinence message. Participants will be able to train other adults to do the same and to start a community initiative.
Specifically, the Peer Life Training component helps teens reach out, strengthen, and support their peers in healthy life choices. Topics include: abstinence from premarital sex, drugs, alcohol; violence prevention; character development; and basic listening skills.
Parent Abstinence Training (P.A.T.) is a foundation and implementation plan for developing parenting education seminars and follow-up groups. Components include: effective programming, and teaching methodology to reach all segments of your community.
December 6 --Columbus, Pregnancy
Health Center, 665 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. PH. (614) 888-8774
8:00 - 8:30 --Registration
8:30 - 12:15 --Peer Life training
12:15 - 12:45 --Lunch
12:45 - 3:30 --Parent training
3:30 - 3:45 --Evaluation
Other Pertinent Information:
Cost $65, includes all manuals and handouts
Call our office at (513) 398-9801, or REGISTER NOW on-line and indicate in the COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS box which seminar date you will be attending.
Join with AEN in raising
the bar, in challenging our youth to excel, in educating them with the
truth about sex, in equipping them with real tools to reach their goals of
maintaining abstinence commitments, and in assuring them of the power of healthy
relationships. If you would like to be a partner with AEN so that we can
reach more youth with the truth about sex and abstinence, please CONTACT US.