We believe that sexual feelings
are normal and real, but sexual behavior is always
controllable. Learning self-control is essential for good health and a
positive goal for many reasons in one's life!
Our youth deserve the highest
standards with clear guidance on making the right decision. Sexual
abstinence is the only medically safe and morally responsible choice for
unmarried teenagers. Saving sex until marriage is the best way to maintain
one's sexual health and fertility.
Directive education that includes
character development, advantages of abstinence, refusal skills training,
role modeling and mentoring most benefits our students. Abstaining youth
should receive positive recognition and support. Teens who are sexually
active should receive the hope and encouragement that a new decision of
abstinence is possible.
We believe that when youth
choose abstinence they develop character, integrity and become responsible
citizens. This benefits themselves, their families, and their communities.