Target Population
Under the Title V Abstinence Grant, AEN targets Youth, ages 12-19, in Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Toledo, Cleveland, adding in 2000-01 Mason, OH., our home school district. The afore mentioned cities are urban population, whereas Mason, a suburban community is the fastest growing school district in the state.
Parents, Professionals, and Community leaders are also impacted by our initiatives. In the past 3 years, AEN has provided premarital abstinence education to over 20,830 teens, 1600 parents, and 520 professionals under the Title V Grant. AEN has provided services to organizations and agencies through individual contacts. By these individual contacts, AEN has served an additional 10,456 teens, parents, community members, and professionals since its incorporation as a non-profit organization in 1997.
Our Services include:
- Abstinence Education Training
- Seminar for Professionals
- Parent Power Workshops
- Peer Mentoring Seminar
- Adult/Student Mentoring
- Professional In-service Education
- Guest Speakers for Schools, Churches, and Community Organizations
- Topics: Puberty, HIV/STD's, True Abstinence Education, Philosophy and Implementation, Community Initiatives, and Character Development.
- Lending Library
- Information
- Suggested Resources